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Garmin GDL-69 or GDL-52?

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Jun 27, 2016
Reaction score
Greensboro NC
We're upgrading the panel on our '79 Piper Dakota. All Garmin. I'm lucky to have willing partners in our airplane!
  • G3X Touch Display
  • GTN-750Xi
  • GFC-500
  • GNC-215 (Comm 2)
  • GMA-345 audio panel
Included in the quote is a GDL-52R XM Weather receiver.to replace the existing GDL-49 (discontinued in 2014).

The GDL-69R is roughly a $3K premium over the GDL-52R. What added/improved functionality is there in the GDL-69R over the GDL-52R?

I, for one, like having two sources for weather in the cockpit for a) comparison purposes and b) redundancy (ADS-B and/or XM Weather). Another plus for XM Weather is you can get it on the ground vs. in the air with ADS-B. I don't care about the XM Radio option since you can Bluetooth music to the GMA-345.

I appreciate any and all feedback from this talented, experienced and good looking (!) forum of aviators!

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