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Sep 9, 2023
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Greetings fellow aviators,
I am currently getting my interior completely overhauled . All plastics are being replaced as well . I was in search of a very good quality placard manufacturer as all of my placards are needing to be replaced. I found a company in Ocala Florida that had a very professional website that detailed their placard manufacturing process as all precut , good adhesives , offer customized placards as well. This was a great find as all others seem to have the placards that need to be hand cut off a sheet. And from what I’ve heard the adhesive doesn’t stick very well.
So I ordered the placards through Screaming Aero Graphix . 2 weeks go by with no delivery date or a confirmation , nothing in regards to a response?? We emailed yesterday and called today again ….and the phone is out of service. I look up the sites feed back and Wallah …. A person commented on how they gave a $500 deposit heard nothing as well , they paid a visit to the establishment and it’s EMPTY!!!! So I’m assuming they took the money and disappeared!!! WARNING MY FELLOW PILOTS WARNING .. I suggest not doing business with this company!!
So with this being said does anyone have recommendations for a company that does quality work manufacturing Placards for a PA32-301R . I know there’s a few out there however they are printed on sheets that all need to be hand cut and the adhesive is weak.
I’m not interested in this type.
Thank you all for your help !

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