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PA32 Nose Strut Help

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Dec 1, 2019
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Pictured is the upper section of my 1966 PA32-300 (fixed gear) nose strut. The second picture is looking up the upper tube. After replacing seals, we attempted to insert the lower tube and it wouldn't go. Turns out there is a piston ring (piper part # 484-683) that was broken. This ring is supposed to seat around the orifice piston that is inside the tube. We got a new ring and After several sailor words we maneuvered it over the piston but it went too far and now it is loose inside the tube.
Was wondering if anyone knows how to disassemble the piston from the tube? It seems impossible to get the ring out otherwise.
Is the piston threaded into the tube somehow or maybe just pressed in?
Can it be removed?
The parts manual and service manual are woefully inadequate. No real picture or description of how the piston is attached into the tube.
Appreciate any tips, ideas or suggested tools. Thanks

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