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CO Issue 1998 Saratoga

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Nov 5, 2024
Reaction score
Santa Barbara CA
Ran into this today with my new to me Saratoga and would like to see if anyone has had a similar issue or ideas on where to start looking.

With the just fan for the AC/Overhead vents running the CO alarm went off. About 15ppm on low about 30 on high and little over 50 with the AC turned on. With the ac there was a bit of an exhaust smell but it happened as we entered the L.A. smog band so may or may not be related. Once the fan was switched off returned to zero almost immediately. I've only owned the airplane since December so other than the acceptance flight I haven't used the AC in flight other than today to see what would happen with the CO levels.

With the fan/ac off CO is at zero in flight with or without the heater running and all vents closed or open.

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