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PA28, high oil pressure and low oil temp

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Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
I fly a ‘73 Cherokee 140. I bought it in the fall, so all I know in it so far is winter flying. I live and fly in southern Ontario, where temps this year have ranged from maybe -5 to +5 degC. I park indoor and preheat.
My oil temp has always read seemingly low (150 degC..ish), and pressure has always read seemingly high (70psi..ish). Cylinder head temp reads 150deg C. Recently I switched from Aersoshell 15w50 to Phillips XC20w50, and now pressure reads very high, approaching the red line of 100psi. Today I taped up my oil cooler with alum tape and that helped raise oil temp to 160~180 degC range (still seems low to me), and pressure indication remains what I think is too high, very close to red line.
Any advice or explanation on this? Is high oil pressure a concern? Is this oil temp too low?
Engine is a Lyc 320 at 850 hrs smoh.

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