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Pa28-160 position lights.

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Dec 2, 2022
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My Whelen strobes have been acting up lately. Not sure if wiring or faulty components yet. All strobes randomly work then stop. All or nothing. It seems to pull amps regardless. Gonna try a little troubleshooting tomorrow to see if I can find any trend or correlation.

Anyway,…, long way of saying I might be replacing them with some LEDs depending on the outcome. The WAT 650s I think are a direct fit replacement, but I also have a tail mounted rear position light. Does anyone know if the wing position lights would legally replace the tail? And what that source material is? I would love to replace them (although I would also love to not spend the money if they aint broke yet!)

**Looks like the 600 series has the position light as well as red/green and strobe…
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