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PA 28 Baggage Door replacement

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Daniel Torres
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
Does anyone know if I can replace my 1968 PA28-180 baggage door with a later model PA28-161 or 181 door? I have the older style latch that requires the key to open and close the door. I see on ebay a couple of baggage doors available from Archers and Warriors that have the newer latch which I prefer. Ideally I would love to do this before the plan goes in for paint in 2 months. So I basically have 3 questions:

1) Are they all the same size? They look like they are but I want to be sure.

2) Do the latches line up from the older style to the newer style?

3) What is the best (easiest) way to remove and replace the door? I've heard some say that you can just pull the piano wire from the hinge but this doesn't look as easy as it sounds. The only other thing I can think of is to drill out the rivets on the hinge and re-rivet.

Thanks to anyone who can answer this.

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