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Overhead Vent air flow low

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Feb 24, 2023
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Hello everyone I'm Bogdan out of SoCal, My first post here although I've read many helpful ones!

Anyone having problems with overhead vents not getting good flow throughout the cabin? Removed the rear duct and the fan blows very hard with no ducting. Ducts look clear but do have some leaks getting towards the front section so I'll order a replacement forward duct. I am guessing the leaks are causing a pressure loss along the way or maybe someone has some sort of mod they have done to get better air flow such as add more vents? 4 vents don't seem to be enough for the pax cabin.

On the bright side, air conditioning is working great with STC R134 compressor and hoses! Just needs more airflow out of the vents up front!

1979 PA34-200t

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