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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
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How did y'all survive Helene?

I lived thru seven hurricanes when I was living in the Atlantic coast, but we were seven miles from the beach on what was the highest point in the county (32 feet above MSL), and the worst was a Category Three. But after the first when a long-leaf pine came down inches from the house I got all the trees that could fall on anything important cut down.The pines didn't really provide much shade and the needles were a constant mess and fire hazard. The worst damage we had was missing shingles, but I had plywood storm shutters up before anything strong hit.

It always seemed ironic that the weather was usually beautiful before the outer bands hit, and after the storm moved up the coast.

My mind was/is boggled by the idiots who "rode out" sthe storm on barrier islands, most of which had maximum elevations of less than ten feet MSL. The authorities would usually close the bridges at some point and tell those thrill-seekers they were on their own.

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