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Non-Shop Based A&P - Eastern PAish

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Sep 18, 2022
Reaction score
I have an upcoming annual for the first time on my PA32-260.

It's currently undergoing a complete panel renovation which will include ELT (being replaced), Transponder (being replaced), Pitot and Static (being re-certified because of GX3 touch, G5 and GTN650xi).

Furthermore, while I know the A&P cannot take the avionics shops word for it and has to look themselves, there's no corrosion on this plane that hasn't been remediated during the panel work as i'm having the fuel senders replaced (tanks off) and auto pilot replaced and the wings have been completely opened up and checked by the avionics shop.

All major and reoccurring ADs have been met in the last 2-3 years. By all accounts this should really be a quick & easy annual.

My regular shop wants $5600 to even book the annual. TELL ME if i'm being unreasonable, but that seems over the top. they're telling me the local FSDO is being really strict in the Philly area and I don't want to over pay because of where I live so i'm willing to fly elsewhere to get better pricing/spend.

Any recommendation on who I might use in the area to shop around a bit?

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