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Magneto Woes

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Mar 11, 2017
Reaction score
A new and vexing problem has cropped up..... Right mag drops significantly, only when hot. Scenario.... engine is cold..... start normally, allow to warm up 5-10 mins. Perform run-up mag check, both L and R mags perform flawlessly. Go fly for a while. During flight, no issues detected. Return, taxi to hangar, perform another mag check (2000 RPM). L mag perfect, R mag coughs and sputters for 5-10 seconds, then settles down at 1400 RPM and runs smoothly there. First step was to remove, inspect, clean, gap and test all plugs. All plugs good. My friend who owns a maintenance shop on the field suspects the coil breaking down when hot. Throwing this out there for comments and suggestions, especially FlyGuyDon. PS, 500 hr insp done approx 150 hrs ago.

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