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loose door locks

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Nov 8, 2022
Reaction score
Nine Mile Falls WA 99026
Piper cabin door lock going to post on forum for suggestions. Seems just like an RV door lock. Back screw may just be loose.

Our cabin door as well as several other door locks have become loose internally. May just need back retaining nut tightened but was wondering if anyone has had experience with replacing these locks without having to go through re-keying? I was told Piper only has so many keys for their airplanes and my be able to order replacements with same coded key but $$$$.

Page 1D18 parts manual

60 99070-000 . . RETAINER - Window 1

61 87329-011 . . LOCK ASSY - Aft cabin door 3246001 thru 3246087 1

(If matching ignition switch and door locks are

desired, order kit 87329-004)

61 100586-012 . . LOCK ASSY (Part of kit 100586-029) 3246088 and up, 1

3257001 and up

62 520-069 . SCREW - (92010A320) 1

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