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Looking for part # for control shaft bushing

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Feb 15, 2012
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I am going blind poring over fiche 1J19 figure 57 trying to figure out a part number for the bushing where the control yoke shaft goes through the instrument panel on my 74 Warrior. I have tried a bunch of lubricants over the 20 years I have owned the
plane but it seems they all start out ok but soon get sticky. I thought dry silicone spray was the solution but I have lost faith. I
am thinking that 47 years of lubricating the shaft may have caused a build up in the bushing. I am ready to go back to powdered graphite.

Three questions for the group. First, does anyone know what the part number for the bushing is? Second, how hard is it to change the bushing? Third, what do others think is the best lubricant?
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