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Legal support (critical engine overheat due to professional negligence)

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Apr 28, 2024
Reaction score
Hi, hearty aviators!

Badly need your assistance in my Sherlock-like aircraft story, which was getting weirder and weirder as it went, but now is definitely a brand new chapter for the price of the question is now multiplied.

So, a short pre-story: looking for a certified installer to modernize my aircraft, I happened to be lucky enough to address to the one (as advertisment for the installer, who is definitely the winner in category “Never more”: the APG, 28260 Airpark Drive, Unit 114, Punta Gorda, Fl, President - Boris Nekrasov), who stretched my one-month modernization project to 1 year and 8 months with multiple complications, violations of rules and agreements, expenditures on its way. Gladly, this chapter was closed successfully after some more people were engaged to speed up the process. Almost successful, if not considering the huge amount of time and enormous efforts throughout all this period.

Now, one year after that happy aircraft release, due to this annual inspection I found out that the well-loved installer had done even worse things to my aircraft that those we coped with before. The issue concerns the critical engine overheat which took place exactly while the aircraft was being modernized, which is noted in the exceedance logs.

According to the official response of the manufacturer, the engine demands overhaul.
The issue price is at least $300.000-500.000 and up to 8 months. Unfortunately, there was no chance getting to know this earlier for regular checkup doesn’t include this verification point.

Addressing to every aviator who happened to get in similar mess and those possessing the information needed:

Please, help me bring to account the negligent installer so that my case would make him change his totally amateur services into really professional ones!


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