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Last little bit on Arrow emergency gear extension

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Mar 18, 2017
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As we do our gear swings for annual, we’ve encountered and interesting little issue. For background, 1977 Turbo Arrow 3 with the automatic gear extension system permanently disabled.

While on jacks, the emergency gear extension results on a timely green for the nose and left main, but not the right. The right main does extend to lock, but the cylinder appears a bit slow to release its last little bit of pressure to allow the main gear truss assembly hook to catch on the downlock and activate the gear lamp switch. Given enough seconds or some manual encouragement, it does eventually release and lock. When the cylinder is disconnected, the mechanism locks quickly and cleanly.

ive ordered a pair of new main gear down lock springs, as they were inexpensive and won’t be a bad idea to replace. I don’t think this is the main issue, and it appears some residual pressure in the cylinder is there, keeping this assembly from latching quickly.


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