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Lance Landing Gear will not fully retract

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Jan 22, 2020
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I have a 78 Turbo Lance. The other day I picked it up from getting Gamijectors and the gear would not fully retract. The big red gear unsafe light stayed on after takeoff so I put the gear back down and landed to have the shop look at it. We found the nose uplock wasn’t working because the plate that hits the uplock switch was bent out of position - reason unknown. Just to make sure we jacked it and retracted the gear but they only came up part way and the pump continued to run. Prior to this flight the gear had had no problems.

My best guess is that at some point the nose unlock switch stopped making contact when the gear was up allowing the pump to continue running and the pump wore out. I assume that the red unsafe light is shut off when all three gear are up so this condition couldn’t have been happening previously or I would have noticed. The pump would have only been running for a minute or two before I dropped the gear back down, maybe that was enough to wear the old fella out. Or maybe I’m completely on the wrong track...


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