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Lance Club seating

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New Member
Feb 25, 2012
Reaction score
Hello... I have seen a couple of threads about converting from club seating to forward seating. I bought my 78 Lance with club seating and as I am 6'1", my seat tends to be fighting the rear facing seat behind me, almost rendering that seat unusable. I was thinking I would like to convert it but I don't know where to start. I'm assuming I just can't unbolt the rear facing seats and reattach them? :) (that would be to easy).

Also someone mentioned about the club seating being installed "illegally"... How did you know this so I can check to make sure mine is up to FAA par...

My other question is to those of you who have converted from club to fwd seating is: do you like it? and is there any leg room for any of the back seats? (I'm selfish, when I bought the plane, I was really only caring about the front left seat ;) )



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