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GTX 345 and GTN 65xi Surprise Bluetooth Issue

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Feb 15, 2012
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I have about 10 flight hours on my GTN 650xi/GI 275 system but a lot of that was practicing approaches (VFR) to learn the system. So, my IPad Mini4 on my yoke was set to chart view and my wife's IPad was not being used. Foreflight for both. Last Friday I went to the map on the Mini4 to look at some traffic and saw there was no ADSB data. Ditto for the 2nd Ipad.

Back on the ground, I figured I figured I needed to re-pair the IPads. Got out the Pilots Handbook for the GTX345 but couldn't find the Bluetooth page. It wasn't where the manual said it was. Figured I was doing something wrong but couldn't figure out what.

Called the avionics shop and they towed the plane in for the night shift to look at. Dropped by this evening. The tech who had worked on the new avionics install said right away "As soon as I heard your issue I realized I forgot to tell you that your GTN 650xi takes over the Bluetooth management from your GTX 345." He gave me a 30 second brief and I was able to re-pair both IPads.

On the GTN you start at System on the Home page then go to Connext. I think there is a Bluetooth page next but its pretty obvious. Just pair like any other Bluetooth pairing. Choose your GTX 345, and a code is assigned. Then the GTN asks if the device with the code should be paired. Say yes and your done. Took me a minute and a half to do both Ipads.

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