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For Sale Garmin Avionics GNS530W, SL30, GMX200 & Gem G4 Twin Engine Analyzer for Sale

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Jan 9, 2019
Reaction score
I just finished a complete panel upgrade and have a lot of items for sale.
Full details on ebay but private message me for better deals. https://www.ebay.com/usr/kevi_valen
Garmin GNS530W had factory overhaul in 2021. Garmin SL30, Garmin GMX200, Insight Gem G4 Twin 6 cyl Engine monitor with new sealed unused sensors. Sandel SN3308 EHSI with GPS Glideslope programing upgrade. Aerospace Logics VA202 Dual Amperage gauge & FL202D Two Tank Fuel Level Gauge for use with Cies Fuel Senders. UMA 3-18" Bezel Lights with 12-14v Inverter.
Reach out with any questions and offers.


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