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Free for the taking - Las Vegas, NV

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Senior Member
Feb 16, 2015
Reaction score
KMTV - Martinsville, VA
I will occasionally attend Bulk Return or Government Auctions as a side hustle. I have bid on and won an auction containing 282 pairs of Military Surplus Elbow Pads along with 40+ pairs of knee pads. Crunching the numbers, my profit margin will not be cost effective to have them shipped from Las Vegas to Virginia. So, if anyone is in the area and wants to pick them up, they are yours. free. I have already cut my losses from the purchase. I have the release document from the military auction.They just need to be picked up the week of February 6th. If you sell them each for $5, that would be a $1600 profit for you. Sell for $10 a pair, that is $3200 for you.

No catch, no gimmicks. If I were to have them shipped, I would have to sell each pair for over $30 because in order for me to get the box shipped from NV to VA will be in excess of $1200. That plus the cost of the auction makes it cost prohibitive for me. My loss, your gain.

If someone wants them, let me know and I will forward the release document to you for pick up. They must be picked up next week.

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