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For Sale 1968 Cherokee 180, 3651 TTAF, 105 SMOH, G400W, STEC 30, nice traveler

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Aug 5, 2018
Reaction score
I bought this plane for my son to get all his ratings and build time for the airlines. For 4 years age 14 to now he flew with me in my Bonanza then Baron then Duke all over and loved it and kept saying he wanted to fly for a living but got to Solo and just lost interest. Waited a year (kept flying it) but he wouldn’t come fly and finally he tells me he is firmly committed to the military and probably nuclear propulsion (graduating May) so the time has come for this girl to go.

N6354J for Flightaware tracking history lookup, just did a round trip to IND and back, based at 1M5 just outside BNA in the community hangar.

Good paint, interior about a 5 (serviceable and good comfy leather seats but needs re-doing).

3651 TTAF, partial logs starting 7 years ago (previous owner lost it to auction where I bought it and he won’t hand over the logs so I had to recreate the airframe log from 337 and receipts from shops that are still open).

105 SMOH 2 years ago by AirWorx in MS with cylinders by Gibson, firewall forward every component replaced except the starter (new hoses, etc). Runs great! Full engine logs back to new (engine came from another plane so we’d have full logs).

STEC 30 autopilot slaved to the G400W with GPSS Steering with Electric Pitch Trim
Two MX170B both with GlideSlope, weak VOR signal, only picks up about 10 miles from the station and 4 miles on the ILS, probably a lead or antenna
KMA24H (slight short in volume knob when turning but settles down when you let it go).
Narco AT150 Transponder with SkyBeacon and SkySensor ADSB in and out with nav and strobes LED.
Four-place built-in Intercom
Insight G4 engine monitor with all the connectors (analog oil temp and volt meter don’t work but the G4 works on both so haven’t gotten around to messing with it).

Those are the outstanding squawks.

All the speed mods except the wing root fairings.

BAS Intertial shoulder harnesses and new glass installed 7 years ago.

I’d fly it anywhere, we went through it from tip to tail to make sure my son would be safe in it.

Asking $115k but open to offers.

I’ll figure out how to load pics later but you can text me and I can send them to you Six15-210-5046

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