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ForeFlight 9.1 & IFDs

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Feb 15, 2012
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The lastest release of Foreflight (9.1) finally adds two way transfer of flight plans with the IFD units. This has been available in other apps already, the facility was available in the IFD units with the release of firmware 10.2.

You can also connnect both a Stratus (and similar) unit and an IFD simultaneously. FF will pick up TIS/FIS/Attitude from the Stratus as usual, and exchange flight plan information and location with the IFD.

Foreflight is planning to add download of TIS/FIS information from IFDs in the future. There is quite a lot of information available to app developers on the wifi connection to the IFD units, they just have to have the imagination to use it.

And, at the same time, the super-cool IFD100 app will use the same Wifi connection, so you can flip back & forth from the IFD100 app and Foreflight as you need, or if you use two iPads, you can have them running one on each.

One happy family.

Avidyne IFD550/540/440 FMS
Get in the air faster with two-way flight plan transfer available with Avidyne’s IFD550/540/440 touch-screen navigators. ForeFlight uses GPS position data to drive moving map features, generate Track Logs for post-flight debrief, and create draft Logbook entries.

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