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"Flying with the Avidyne IFD" - new book

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Feb 15, 2012
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Written by one of the regulars on the Avidyne forums, I have no proprietary interest. I did buy the Kindle version and had a look.

"(The author,) Michael F. Bauer was a regional airline pilot for over 32 years. He was the manager of pilot training at a major regional airline, where he supervised the training of dozens of new airline pilots. He holds instrument and multiengine CFI certificates and flies his own Avidyne IFD540 in his Cessna 182."

There is so much introductory material out there on the IFDs, together with video instructionals and a well written pilot guide, why bother with a book? This book is clearly and simply written, and is aimed at someone considering an IFD to learn more about it, or a new user that is looking for scenario based tutorials rather than a reference text. It is not a volume that covers every last detail, nor does it have "power user" tips, that is not its role. Covers 440, 540 & 550, as well as the non-radio variants. It is expected to be updated when firmware 10.2 is shipped.

If interested, just click the image, or search for IFD540 on Amazon.

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