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Flying with the Avidyne IFD: A Scenario-Based Course (Updated Dec 2019)

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Feb 15, 2012
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If you were thinking of grabbing a copy, it has just been updated (for, might be a good time. The new publication date is 2 December 2019, ensure you get the right edition. Available in Kindle as well.

Amazon: Flying with the Avidyne IFD

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A new edition of my "Flying with the Avidyne IFD" book is now available on Amazon.

This is not a major rewrite. It's mainly an update for the new Avidyne iPad simulator and some of the new features of It also revises the example scenarios to match the new "generic" Jeppesen navigation database.

There may be another new edition when IFD software 10.3 comes out, whenever that happens. I don't have any information on the timing of the release or its contents. We'll wait and see!

Michael F. Bauer

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