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FlightCom Classic ANR headset $140 shipped

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CGLUMPS or bust!!!
Jan 24, 2016
Reaction score
I have a FlightCom Classic ANR headset for sale which would be perfect for a student, new pilot, or backseat passenger headset. The ANR works great and comms clarity is a significant improvement over passive headsets. ANR is powered by a 9V battery. It of course works as a passive headset too with no battery power. Dual standard GA plugs.

I've used the headset for the past two years and several hundred hours, but now that I'm flying more I'd like a few more features (ahem bluetooth) than this one offers.
The only downside is that it was kept in a high-desert-based aircraft and the headset cord's external plastic sheath deteriorated. The quick fix was to tape up the full length. A more intrepid person could probably resleeve it with heatshrink if looks were an issue.

$140 shipped to you, which is less than half of the new price of $329.

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