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Engine time question

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Aug 24, 2020
Reaction score
I’m reviewing some log books for an aircraft I’m considering purchasing and ran across an oddity and wanted to see if anyone here had any ideas before I talk to the seller.

This plane claims 6.5k of TTAF but in the engine lookbook there are entries with “ETSN” which I took to mean “engine time since new”. Seems to make sense because they did similarly for the prop.

Here’s the kicker: It’s at 9.6k. But they advertised a 450 SMOH by “TCM factory”. So since when can continental overhaul a lycoming engine and call it “factory”?

I am assuming the 9.6k is because the engine was swapped at some point and this particular one has never had a real factory overhaul? Haven’t found that entry yet. Just found the overhaul entry as done by continental.

Does that sound reasonable? How long do these cores last? Any advice on value of the engine? I don’t want to buy it and then at swap find out the core charge can’t be gotten because the engine had too many overhauls etc. or maybe I’m just overthinking this due to lack of sleep right now.


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