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Engine teardown and rebuild

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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
Watertown NY
As some of you know I'm attending scool to become an A&P. We have 2 people teams taking an engine apart (mine is a Continental IO- 520) to the last bolt to measure components. A debate emerged were one classmate said theoretically the timing of the cam can be set 180° off and it wont matter. I believe it can't be done because the engine wont work. The valve train will be opening and closing valves on the wrong piston stoke. He said he is not talking about timing but just assemble the engine and you can still bring cylinder 1 to TDC and everything else will be fine. I think the engine is no good if you can start it.

Will the firing order change due to crankshaft driving the pistons at different strokes events? The mags will have to be timed 180° backwards to coincide with pistons? (providing that it can be done but I know they can't be installed backwards)

Who's correct?

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