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Engine advice please....

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Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
IO-360-C1C6 with around 1650 hours. Last two oil changes reveled ferrous and non-ferrous materials in the filter. Not burning oil and performance is normal. Two AP's think cam is starting to fail.

History: The engine had the crank replaced in 2013 under SB569A and only has about 400 hours on it. Spoke with John @ PineMountain aviation in Danbury, CT and I feel the easiest is a rebuild through him. He's local, I can drive the engine to him and pick up when completed. He did the Crankshaft. He suggested Diamond lifters, sending out the case for inspection, reusing the crank and rebuild the engine as needed. We both agree to order parts now, fly it and do the rebuild in the fall. If the performance deceases then the time frame will move up.

in addition, Prop gov and oil cooler will be sent out for inspection. Engine mount will be sent out for inspection. Am I missing anything? Thoughts? Direction?
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