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Electrical Issue has Mechanics Scratching Head

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Nov 8, 2024
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Sarasota, FL
Hi All, 1979 Piper PA-28RT-201T, [almost] finished annual. Before going into the shop, I had, what I believe, an alternator failure. My ALT light never came on, but battery voltage continued to decrease along with "0" amp output showing on my CGR.

MX took alternator off and replaced with new/OH unit, that is now only producing between 11.8 volts and 12v. They then decided to change the regulator, which also hasn't worked. To their credit, they have been working tirelessly to get this fixed, but we've hit wits end. Now thinking it may be the diode.

Oddly enough, yesterday we ran engine, turned ALT switch to OFF position and recycled the ALT FLD breaker then turned ALT switch back on. The CGR then indicated 2-3 AMPs then went back to 0.

I am stumped, and hoping someone with more knowledge than me may have an idea.


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