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Electric Tach Pickup

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Active Member
Sep 23, 2016
Reaction score
Good morning!

Wondering if this vast knowledge base can help! Six months ago I purchased a 1981 Piper Turbo Seminole (PA-44T) that I am really enjoying. Over the last few months had erroneous readings of the right engine rpm and now nothing. Checked the system wiring, adjusted magnetic/electric pickup on the engine, and checked voltage output of the pickup with the engine running without result. The pickup is worn to the nub versus the left engine that works fine. I switched tachs with a known working one with the same result. I am having issue finding a new or serviceable pickup for the engine. The Piper Part # 763 504. Boeing may have it, but cant get in contact with them. Any help appreciated!

On a side note, was this setup of tach and engine pickup used on other aircraft by piper or others? This may help in finding pickup.


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