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Dynon help

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Today I found out another pilot at the airport I’m based at had bought an RV-9 with a dual screen Dynon. It’s the prior generation before the HDX that is the go to unit now.

After he bought it a problem developed with the Dynon system and he’s only flown it 3 times since November. Apparently when it’s cold the first time he transmits both screens have the backlighting go out and go blank. He’s sent the units back to Dynon for testing and they came back without any reported problems. He did some more troubleshooting and discovered whenever the EGT/CHT harness is disconnected from the 2nd screen the issue goes away.

So it seems that there is an issue in either the harness or thermocouple where it allows RF energy into the screen connector unit until something warms up. His A&P isn’t sure what to do other than start replacing probes and wires. Anybody have any similar experiences where they can offer a suggestion?

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