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Dynon HDX + S-Tec Autopilot

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Jul 22, 2023
Reaction score
Snohomish, WA
Hello Aviators,

Thinking about upgrading my panel to Dynon HDX. However, as you may know, Dynon does not provide servos for Cherokees, and according to them, they don't plan to.

I've got a S-TEC 30 in my panel that works great and I see no reason to remove it.

Thinking of going with a used Garmin 650 or Avidyne 440 + the HDX system.

The Dynon HDX system does not communicate with the S-TEC, so there is no heading bug, unless I install a G5 DG/HSI. I hate the thought of installing the Dynon D30 backup instrument AND a G5.

Thoughts/insight on this dilemma?

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