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DOT "hardball" for pilot mistakes?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
Reaction score

Comments on this seem negative, if you interpret this statement...“imperative that pilots follow the instructions of air traffic controllers. If they do not, their licenses will be pulled.” as meaning the pilot's license would be revoked, not just suspended.

On one hand this seems somewhat draconian depending on the nature of the pilot deviation, but OTOH the stakes are pretty high given the negatives on the whole air transport business when there's a deviation that causes loss of life or serious injury/incident.

Of course, we have the luxury of the NASA form to cover unintentional deviation, and the pilot always has the ability to respond "unable" if unable to comply with ATC instructions.

How do the folks here feel about this? Is it just posturing to cover recent incidents, or is it a serious change in policy?

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