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David Clark Pro X, experience required

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2015
Reaction score
Hey everyone,

First off, I'm looking for some advise regarding the dc pro x anr on the ear headset. I'm wondering if anyone on piperforum has experience.
Looking to hear the good, the bad and the ugly...

I have an old set of lightspeed Zulu, it's been a good set but it's starting to die, the cord gland is going and it's starting to become intermittent, so I'm looking for a replacement.

I'm a low time commercial pilot, flying a 172 for now, but I will likely be moving into a 207 in a few months.

I also own an aztec so the headset will have to work with all the above aircraft.

I was pretty set on a Zulu pfx, but then did some research and noticed the dc pro x.

Overall I've been fairly happy with the original Zulu I have, although their are two negatives I can come up with.
Firstly the bluetooth doesn't work well at all with my iPhone 4s but this could be because my Zulu was one of the very first units ever shipped to Canada so it's a very early original Zulu.
Second I do get fatigued / a little sore after wearing it for several hours straight (2 1/2+) after about 3 or so hours it's time to take it off for a few minuites or so.

I think the later Zulu and defiantly the pfx has relieved the clamping force, I tried on a pfx today and the clamping force is definitely less than my Zulu and I had my original and the pfx side by side.

I'm looking for more comfort and good noise reduction to prevent hearing loss over my aviation career.

Thanks guys

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