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CRJ Accident in Toronto

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
Reaction score

Originally Posted by EddyCurr
Hats off to Bombardier's engineers and fabricators for producing a hull that was able to retain its integrity in this event.
When a CL601 overran the runway at KTEB in 2004 (?) it plunged thru a brick walled bakery having crossed a street. The passengers and crew opened the main entry and walked out. The KAPF CL604 landed on an Interstate, hit the sound barrier and the FA and pax got out the baggage door, fire blocking the main entrance door.

Bombardier builds 'em tough...

"The CNN expert guest has explained to the audience that the wings came off, because they are designed to: "They have explosive bolts...".

It is a rather gusty day here in southern Ontario today....."


Looks ,like Gary Larson had it figured out...
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