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Cherokee 235 Nose Gear Strut Snapping / Popping on landing & takeoff

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Jul 22, 2023
Reaction score
Snohomish, WA
Hi Everyone,

I've got a 63 235. Recently I rebuilt the main struts (Just replaced the lower seal and inflated & filled according to service manual). I refilled the nose strut but didn't disassemble it as it looked more involved that I had time for. Since I bought this plane a few months ago, the nose strut sticks pretty bad and makes a fair amount of popping & snapping on takeoff and landing. My question is:

Is this common and is it cause for immediate rebuild?

If you have had this problem, what ultimately solved it?

(FYI I have an IA that helps me and inspects/signs off on all maintenance, but he expects me to do the research & follow up)

Thank You

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