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Cabin Door Latch Broken?

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CGLUMPS or bust!!!
Jan 24, 2016
Reaction score
I was out at the airport today trying to troubleshoot some water intrusion to my Cherokee 180, and found that the main door latch (the lower one) has broken.

The complete latch assembly is part 68188-00. However, all that appears to be broken is the pin which holds the latch tongue in a vertical position. The bottom portion sheared off - the top is still attached to the tongue, and thus the latch mechanism still somewhat functions.

I see the pin in the parts guide as part 424 163, AN392-53, a 1-21/32 1/8 clevis pin. However, I also see 424-162, AN392-49, a 1-7/32 1/8 clevis pin.

I will of course order both, as they are just a couple bucks each...think that will do it?

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