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Bridle cable tension adjustment.

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Jun 10, 2016
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I have an 82 Warrior with a S-Tec 30 autopilot. I need to adjust the stabilator control cables. I have adjusted many cables and this is not a problem. However I have not adjusted a cable connected hooked to another cable. I have contacted S-Tec and they gave me the cable tension but not how to actually set the tension on the cable attaching the autopilot servo to the factory stabilator control cable. I have searched the internet and this forum and have not found a very clear answer. At least one I can understand.

To adjust the factory stabilator cable I have to loosen the bolts on the bridle clamps. Next adjust the stabilator cable to service manual (no problem here).

I found a reference to the bridle cables in an installation manual for a Cirrus that states:
" Note: Use a ratcheting open-end wrench and socket for tightening bridle cable clamp assembly to elevator cable.
(i) At forward bridle cable clamp assembly, push clamp assembly forward, tighten clamp to elevator cable.
Note: While tightening bridle cable clamp to elevator cable, capstan will rotate. Offset this rotation while adjusting opposite bridle cable tension so that when specified tension is reached, the bridle cable stop-ball is between 11 o’clock and 1 o’clock positions (stop-ball at top of capstan).
(j) At aft bridle cable clamp assembly, push clamp assembly aft while tightening clamp to elevator cable.
(k) Using the techniques described above, adjust bridle cable tension to 17 +-4...(Piper S-Tec 30 is 15 +-2)"

Do you use just hand pressure to push be bridle clamps until bridle cable tension reaches 15 lbs? What am I missing?

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