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Biggie News (ADS-B interoperability)

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Feb 15, 2012
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Thus far Garmin has been keeping its ADS-B data feed structure under tight wraps, and it has not been practical to reverse engineer it. Further, it would only issue STCs for Garmin devices (GNS, GTN) to provide GPS location for its transponder (330ES).

That is now all changed, I'm quoting from Steve Jacobson, the Sr. VP product management, on the Avidyne Live forums ...

Garmin was kind enough to supply the ICD for the GDL-88 so there was no reverse engineering required. It works great in the lab on our test [IFD540/440] units.

So, yes, we're adding support for GDL-88 as part of Release 10.2. That will allow the IFD to be the position source for the GDL-88 and the IFD will display GDL-88 supplied ADS-B traffic and weather.

I had heard rumors of this, but this is definite confirmation. We can't be sure why Garmin restricted that data in the first place, nor why it changed its mind, but it is GREAT NEWS for the consumer that they opened it up now.

As this shakes out, from the ADS-B viewpoint you will have the freedom to mix & match as you please, one from column A, and one from column G, or one from column K as well, as you see fit.

I had a Garmin 330 in my panel, that I junked, and replaced with an Avidyne 340, because of this problem. Now I would have just kept the 330 and ES'd it.

Now, you can be happy getting a GDL88, and know it will work with an IFD, if you so choose. Similarly, you could (potentially) purchase an Avidyne MLB or Navworx ADS-B unit, and have it work with your Garmin display.

Maybe they were seeing push back from their customers, and certainly my local shop has been very unhappy with their stance as it often complicated installs, or maybe even the Feds yanked their chain.

Regardless, score one for the good guys, the collective US! More choice, lower prices, more innovation.

* Orest
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