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Aztec Sump Drains

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
I was looking on the internet today to see if I could find what would be acceptable operating expenses to use on my taxes for a few business trips I took in my aztec last year and one thing lead to another and I stumbled upon disturbing statistics in regard to engine stoppage accidents in Apaches and Aztecs due to water in the fuel. I am fully aware of the low spot in the system which is said to be unsumpable. I was told by the person who checked me out in the airplane a couple years to "drain the heck out of them", beyond that there isn't much you can do besides being sure your caps are in good shape, etc.

I read some of these reports prior to purchasing the aircraft but still thought it would be a good fit for me. Reading them again got me thinking about it again......

My aztec is hangared and flown at the very least once a month, I have installed new fuel caps, I keep the tanks full and I have never gotten a drop of water when draining. My airplane is a C model and does not have the wedges installed.

What should I be doing to minimize my risk?

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