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Aztec gear down screeching sound

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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2014
Reaction score
The other day I put the gear down in my 76 Aztec F and as the gear was in transit I heard a horrible really loud screeching sound coming from the right side of the console pedestal. It sounded like metal scraping on bare metal. It was loud enough to be clearly heard over the engines and my noise cancelling headset. The noise stopped once the gear was down. It took a normal amount of time to come down and I got three green. I tried adding flaps and heard no noise. I retracted the flaps and the gear and still heard no noise. The next time I put the gear down, no noise. It was completely normal.

The plane had an annual a few months ago and the hydraulic fluid was not low and no leaks were observed. I asked my A&P about this and he said he'd never heard of something like this. Any ideas? What could make such a loud noise? I know the hydraulic powerpak is down there but that's just a bunch of hydaulic valves, levers and springs. Could that be it? (Removing that thing isn't easy).

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