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Aspen E5 Question

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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2014
Reaction score
Like many of us, I'm currently dabbling with G5s with GFC 500 vs Skyview vs Aspen E5 with TruTrak. I've got an Archer II with steam gauges and Century 21 A/P. I do not have a panel mounted GPS. I use an IFly 740 and 2 Ipads. The manufacturer sites are NOT a bundle of info when looking for specifics. Today, I saw this offer from Seattle Avionics:

"Aspen: $199
Seattle Avionics provides the FAA DO-200A certified approach plates, airport diagrams, SIDs, STARs, etc. you need for your Aspen Evolution. Once you use them, you'll never fly without them again!
Flash: Just added Mexico, Bahamas, and Central America!"

Does this mean that the Aspen products can display approach plates? Is there built in navigation or does it come from certified GPS products?


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