I've been in the market for an Arrow II or III for a while. I hadn't really considered an Arrow (1).
Found an original Arrow now with a nice panel, and checks all my other boxes.. Except it is a 1.
I know it has the shorter fuselage, and 20hp less.... And is older... But what else would I be missing that isn't in the specs? A few knots, and 5 inches less rear legroom?
I've only flown an Arrow II (And taper wing Archer, so understand the difference between wings)
I've been in the market for an Arrow II or III for a while. I hadn't really considered an Arrow (1).
Found an original Arrow now with a nice panel, and checks all my other boxes.. Except it is a 1.
I know it has the shorter fuselage, and 20hp less.... And is older... But what else would I be missing that isn't in the specs? A few knots, and 5 inches less rear legroom?
I've only flown an Arrow II (And taper wing Archer, so understand the difference between wings)