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Arrow Turning Problems

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Aug 2, 2020
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I have been having a lot of trouble with my arrow. Prior to my last annual 3 months ago the plane flew consistently straight with minimal control input. Since getting the plane back I have notice a hard rolling/turning tendency to the left. I am not the most experienced pilot in the world and understand the left turning tendency of single engine aircraft. What I am talking about is straight level flight with minimal wind if I am not putting constant moderate right turning pressure on the yolk the plane will turn hard to the left. I have owned this plane for four years and it has always flown straight. I took it back to the mechanic where the annual was done and was told there is nothing wrong with the plane.

Again, I am not an expert. I do however know this aircraft, have a few hundred hours in it, and it has never flown like this. I truly have to fight it to keep it straight. I am looking for thoughts/suggestions.

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