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OBTAINED-Piper Turbo Arrow propeller

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Jun 3, 2023
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Anyone have a good-condition, recently overhauled prop (within last 2-3 years) for a Turbo Arrow they are looking to sell? Mine is going in for overhaul next month. This would be its fourth overhaul, so there is probably a good chance it won't have enough meat left to do it. I also don't want to be down for 3-4 weeks and would rather just sell my OH'ed prop if/when I get it back if I could locate a suitable replacement.

The following are the three I am aware of that have approval for my plane/engine combo. I am open to others if there are STCs out there I don't know about.

Hartzell BHC-C2YF-1BF/F8459A-8R
Hartzell PHC-C3YF-1RF/F7663A-4T with all required accessories for STC
McCauley P4367071-01 (D3A36C436/74SA-0) with all required accessories for STC

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