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Arrow gear in transit light stays on, no green's, otherwise gear works

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Apr 23, 2024
Reaction score
Washington, DC
Hi All - First off, I know there's a lot of gear indicator issue threads, I apologize if this is duplicative but I haven't found my exact issue discussed (though I'm sure it has been).

On my '69 PA28R-200, I got a gear in transit light illumination during a cruise descent once about 20 hours ago. It went out on its own, no further issues (green indicators worked fine). Today however (20 hours later), upon departure the GIT light stayed on after raising the gear. I flew around like this for maybe 30 minutes. Gear was clearly up based on sounds, feel, and performance. When I went back in for landing and extended the gear, I could feel and hear all the right things but got no greens. Tower took a look and I landed with no issues. If it wasn't for the lack of greens I would not be overly concerned, I know the GIT light can be temperamental on this vintage.

Some people have told me the power pack may need overhaul, but I don't hear the pack trying to run when it shouldn't. The only other issue that has appeared during a similar time frame is an occasional very short whine/chirp sound with an associated rise on the ammeter for that split second. This seems like it could be almost anything and if it was the power pack trying to run I would think I would hear the pump sound, but I don't.

Any recommendations of first troubleshooting steps would be greatly appreciated. Again, the weird part to me is that in the past, the GIT light came on temporarily then went off, and after that my green's worked fine. This time though, the GIT light stayed on, I selected gear down, it worked, but no green lights.

Thank you!

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