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Arrow 200

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Dec 27, 2017
Reaction score
Friend of mine is selling his 1969 Arrow 200 for a decent price. Just trying to decide if it's worth it. Personal decision, of course. But, I've worked hard over the last 4 years to make my 140/160 perfect. Interior perfect, engine perfect, new powerflow system, new GPS, trutrak A/P, it's cherry. This Arrow would be about a 15-20k delta for me, but I'd be back to fuzzy red interior, old Piper autopilot, etc. But, it's 30-40 knots faster than my plane, baggage door, etc. But, more maintenance, higher insurance probably, and of course a bit of unknown being a new to me airplane. My mission doesn't really require speed, as I usually just chase burgers on the weekend, but for the occasional long trip, that speed is nice.

Decisions decisions.....

Edit: I mentioned it to my wife and she said: "So, basically, you would pay more to fly less?"

I didn't know how to respond. lol. Technically, yes.

"But, I thought you liked flying...."

There is no place for logic here!!
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