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AN 2

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Apr 25, 2010
Reaction score
Western Massachusetts
The Antonov An-2 is considered to be a very forgiving and safe aircraft as it's almost impossible to make it stall. Are there any other aircraft which is similar/better than the AN-2 in such aspects?

The Antonov An-2 is known for its remarkable stall characteristics. It is nearly impossible to stall the aircraft under normal circumstances due to its large wings, low wing loading, and a slow stall speed of around 30 knots, being capable of flying backwards if the headwind is strong enough.

The design is so stall-proof that the stall characteristics of the An-2 are described in the following way in the POH (Pilot Operational Handbook)

"If the engine quits in instrument conditions or at night, the pilot should pull the control column full aft and keep the wings level. The leading-edge slats will snap out at about 64 km/h (40 mph) and when the airplane slows to a forward speed of about 40 km/h (25 mph), the airplane will sink at about a parachute descent rate until the aircraft hits the ground

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