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Alternator issues

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Aug 19, 2020
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We have ran into a problem with our 1996 PA32R-301 and I would like to hear your thoughts. I am not a mechanic nor am I mechanically inclined. In June 2021 our alternator light came on during a flight and the engine monitor was showing around 25ish volts. This crept down into the upper 24s by the end of the flight. We had the voltage regulator replaced and the alternator was sent to Oklahoma to be rebuilt. Everything has worked great since that time until a couple weeks ago the voltage light came on again during a flight and engine monitor confirmed low voltage. Again, we dropped it off at the same shop. Had the voltage regulator replaced, but didn’t fix the problem. Alternator was sent off again to Oklahoma and they said the stator is bad and brushes are worn (as if it had hundreds of hours on it). These were apparently both replaced when it was rebuilt in June 2021. Apparently, the local shop says the voltage regulator is bad too and we will be sending it back to the manufacture to be evaluated under warranty. I’m not a mechanic and most of this information about the alternator findings are being passed through to me second hand by the local mechanic shop. The only new things we have done prior to these problems was put in 2 GI275s, but doesn’t seem like that would be a factor. Any ideas on what could be causing these issues?

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