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Alternator gauge “bumping”?!

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May 8, 2017
Reaction score
Searched this forum and was not able to find any recent discussion on this topic.

So, flying along FDaH (Fat dumb and Happy) a few night flights ago, I noticed the alternator current bumping up and down. Range was from around 3 amps to about 7 amps if I remember correctly, the voltage was also going up and down from about 14.3 volts down to about 13.8 volts. It was night and strobes were NOT on. The cockpit lights were doing a slight disco so I knew it was ”real”. I said to myself “hmmm, that’s odd”. I turned the alternator side of the Master switch off, and it stopped. I waited a couple potato counts then turned the alternator back on and it came back on (phew) and was stable at what I consider “normal” readings of about 2-4 amps (piper gauge) for the remainder of the flight. Volts at about 14.1 volts.

However, This happened again on my last flight (switching alt off then on corrected it again). I know though that it’s really only a matter of time before this solution does not “rectify” the issue (pun). So,...it’s time to start asking the Pros on this forum. Belt for alternator is not old (about two years old) and has good tension, battery is new and was replaced this spring.

Is my alternator going bad or is it the voltage regulator?
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